Parmanand College of Fire Engineering and Safety Management

Parmanand College of Fire Engineering and Safety Management offers a variety of fire and safety courses that can help you get ready for the career in fire safety domain!

Our programs cover important topics like preventing fires, fighting fires, rescuing people, and managing dangerous materials. Our instructors are experts in the industry and will give you hands-on training to help you succeed.

At Parmanand College, we believe that respect, teamwork, and honesty are important values. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment that will help you learn and grow.

Join us at Parmanand College of Fire Engineering and Safety Management and start your journey towards an exciting and fulfilling career. Our courses are designed to help you develop practical skills and think critically about the challenges you'll face in the field. With our top-notch facilities and knowledgeable instructors, we're confident you'll have the tools you need to succeed.
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