Fire Brigade Attachment – PCFSM 2022 Borivali Branch

- Posted by Parmanand College
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Greetings from Parmanand College !
The fire engineering & safety management domain is one of the most recognized & popular career paths in recent years. This course not only has both domestic & international job requirements but also gives a good amount of return on investment.
Job in this domain requires a lot of commitment towards human well-being & it is important to start taking steps right during the course curriculum itself!
Parmanand college conducts routine morning drills covering all key fire safety domain-eligible activities, this helps students to stay ‘ahead by one step’ when they get introduced to any company.
This year, we have started fire drill sessions, fire brigade attachments & morning exercises across all our branches. Later in winter, we plan to visit exhibition sessions, and industries to ensure students are ‘job-ready’
Deepali Mandavkar-Kumbhar